With The Help of Arri Australia & Panavision Australia

With The Help of Arri Australia & Panavision Australia
The Fact that I was able to hand hold the camera comfortably at hip height became a huge plus ,,, 'SHOOTING FROM THE HIP' went from being a well worn phrase to a Creative REALITY with the ALEXA ....... Combined with the ability to render the available lights mixed colours in a natural form really made the LOOK of the Film ... I COULD NOT HAVE SHOT THE WAY I DID WITH ANY OTHER DIGITAL CAMERA I HAVE USED ..... I am PROUD of the results ;-)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Jen had been doing her home work in relations to Railway stations ,,,,,, and after a few days we were down to a couple of contenders ,,,, I liked the idea of the old Victorian ,,, ST James station ,, It actually didnt have very much light in it at all ,,, but interesting shapes ,,, in the classic old railway station look ,,,But ST James only had one track at each platform and there was very little room between the yellow line and the wall ...... in some areas .
The seated area was Ok but it did have a part wall close to the seated position ,,, that could look a little boring and flat with the close up work ,,, But I still like it ,,,,,, At this stage I think jen liked Green Square station ,,,,,, A more modern look ,,,
Another negative st ST James ,,, was the black painted wall opposite the seated area ,,,,, not very visual ,,,, there was a nice curve to the ceiling though .

NEXT CIRCULAR QUAY ,,,,,, at first you would think that having the Harbour bridge in the background would be a big plus ,,,,,, but actually to really read it ,,, you would have to shoot at T1.4 .......... and there was to much light at the seated position ,,,,,,, and maybe the background would be to distracting to the story ,,,,,,
Out the other side ,,, It was OK when the trains were in but ,,,, just black background when they were not ,,,
Just a bit boring actually .....

So now to Green Square ,,,,, a modern set of escalators ,,,, not as busy during the night ,,,,,, and it would be FREE ,,,,,,

Some nice available lighting situations ,,,
And some nice modern architecture to help the plot ........ Jen was right ,,, This WAS the LOCATION to shoot in ,,,,, I had a big fat stop of T 2.2 ,,,,,,,,,, he he .

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